Up!: A Game for Practicing Addition and Number Writing

Up! is an easy math game to set up and it's so fun to play that kids won't realize they're practicing counting, addition, and number writing.

Up: A Game to Practice Addition and Number Writing

 My son brought this game home from school and taught it to our family. Since then we've played it lots of times because it's simple and you can adjust it to any number of players. You can also make the game as long or as short as you'd like.

To play Up! you'll need:
  • a pair of dice
  • paper
  • pencil

1. List the player's initials or names on the paper.

Up: A Game to Practice Addition and Number Writing

2. Each player gets a turn to roll the dice, add the numbers together, and write their total on the piece of paper. (Or choose one player to write everybody's numbers.)

Up: A Game to Practice Addition and Number Writing

3. Once the round is finished, the person with the highest number gets it circled and starred. If there is a tie for the highest number, nobody gets the star.

Up: A Game to Practice Addition and Number Writing

4. The person with the most stars at the end wins!

Up: A Game to Practice Addition and Number Writing

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