10 Advent Calendar and Activity Ideas: Kid's Co-op

I love counting down to Christmas. My kids get so excited to keep track of how many days are left until Christmas morning. I guess we aren't the only ones who like advent calendars because there were lots of fun ideas for advent calendars linked up to the Kid's Co-op last week.

10 Advent calendar ideas perfect for counting down to Christmas with kids

Advent calendar from Simply Mommie

Fun advent activities from Simply Mommie


Printable Christmas countdown activities from Little Wonders' Days

Memory verse advent calendar from Powerful Mothering

25 blessings advent countdown activity from JDaniel4's Mom


3D advent calendar from Craftulate

A to Z prayerful advent from Rediscovered Families

Christmas calendar cards from 3 Dinosaurs

Here's our book tree advent from last year.


And this year's unwrapped book advent.


What's your favorite way to countdown to Christmas?

10 Advent calendar ideas perfect for counting down to Christmas with kids

Thanks to everybody who linked up great ideas for kids last week! If you were featured, grab a button! Can't wait to see what you've got this week!

Reading Confetti
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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for featuring our printable advent activities. I love your advent calendar!! Very cute. Happy Thanksgiving.
    Kelly at Little Wonders' Days


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