Snowy Owls: Guest Post

My sister is here today!

Our family is still feeling under the weather so instead of going to Tae Kwon Do, we stayed at home and found it a perfect time for an art project. I've had my eye on these Snowy Owls for awhile now. I would like to try just about everything on Deep Space Sparkle (doesn't the name alone make you want to paint?)

As someone suggested in the comments, Little White Owl by Tracey Corderoy has some wonderful owl pictures for inspiration. The story is about a plain, lonely owl.  The more beautiful owls shun him until he begins to tell them his colorful stories.

We just followed the directions on the blog for the project. Well, some of us followed the directions on the blog, "others" just made their own owl picture. When I started, it was just me and Ellie, but soon 2 more joined us. (Still no Mitchell.) I love it when that happens!

Cole doing his own thing.

Bryce - he wanted his to look like mine even though I tried to convince him otherwise. 

Mine - totally rocking the kindergarten art lesson. Ha!

Ellie's - notice how she's sleeping!

   Image Map


  1. We'd love for you to share this on our Owl Link Party, they are so adorable! Here's the link

  2. These are adorable! The book looks really cute too. I will have to look for it. I will be sharing this post on the Read.Explore.Learn. Facebook page on Monday night.

  3. We love this book. Thanks, Lorie for suggesting it to us! I love the owl art, too!


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