35+ Nature Activities: Kid's Co-op

Welcome back to another week of the Kid's Co-op! For our American friends, Independence Day is only a week away! If you're looking for fun 4th of July crafts for your kids be sure to check out 75 great 4th of July ideas from the Kid's Co-op. In the meantime, here are more than 35 nature activities that are perfect for summer.

 How to start a summer nature school from Teach Beside Me

Nature study with kids from Life with Moore Babies

Nature weaving looms from Housing a Forest

Build a home for bees or birds from Brainstorm in Bloom

 Blueberry picking tips from Little Wonders' Days

Germination experiment from Pinkoddy

10 kid made bird feeders from Frogs & Snails & Puppy Dog Tails

 Fun with rocks from Gummy Lump

 Playing with ladybugs from Mama Rosemary

Ladybug activities from Fantastic Fun & Learning

Build a rock quarry from Mummy Musings & Mayhem

5 tips for gardening with kids from Making Boys Men

Butterfly life cycle Montessori style from Trillium Montessori

Learning with leaves from Laughing Kids Learn

Take a risky nature walk from Rubber Boots and Elf Shoes

And some of our favorite nature activities here at Reading Confetti:

What kind of nature activities do you like to do with your kids?

Thanks so much to everybody who linked up great ideas for kids last week.  Can't wait to see what you've got this week!
The Weekly Kids Co-Op


  1. Great collection! Thank you for including our ladybug activities.

  2. What a great lot of features - thank you for including mine.

  3. My favorites are the rock quarry and birdfeeders

  4. Thanks for hosting and for featuring the nature Study post from my blog as well as my post on Rocks from Gummylump!

  5. I am looking forward to trying some of the other featured posts. Thanks for including my post on growing green onions!

  6. thanks so much for including us!


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