Bird Feeder from a Milk Jug

Purple Little Bird works hard to make sure everything in her very purple home is perfect, but something is just not right.  She heads off in search of a better place and visits friends like the grey goat (his spot is too windy) and the yellow camel (too dry).  Eventually she comes to three pink possums who lead her to the perfect spot - her purple house!  But now that the purple bird has seen all of the other gorgeous colors there are, she sets out to make her home really perfect by adding them to her previously purple house.

Drew really wanted to make a bird feeder.  We found one made from a milk jug at Wholesale Bird Feeders blog and changed it a little.

I cut a hole in the side of an empty milk jug and we decorated it with some markers. 
My three year old drew a bird on it so the birds would know it was for them.  We'll see if it keeps the squirrels away!
We filled the bottom with birdseed.
Then I punched two holes in the top of the milk carton and threaded some rope through and we hung it up in our back yard.
The kids are very excited to see if we get any birds!



  1. That turned out so cute! We did a similar project out of a soda bottle, we're always up for more bird feeders and can't wait to try out yours!


  2. Another great craft and book combo! The bird feeder is adorable and I am sure the birds will love it and the beautiful decorations! Thanks for sharing.

  3. What a fun post! That book sounds adorable ... we'll have to check it out. I love the way the bird feeder turned out too! We did a similar one too!

    Thanks SO much for sharing it on this week's Kids Co-Op Linky!

  4. Awesome! We made a bird house out of a milk jug too (love those handy milk jugs)! Here's the post about it if you want to check out our creation as well:
    Please tell your kids I hope the birds LOVE their new feeder and visit it frequently! :)

  5. We love that book! And your bird feeder looks lovely - hope you get some birds soon, and that the squirrels leave it alone!

    Thank you for linking up to Learning Laboratory at Mama Smiles =)

  6. That is so cute and i love that they wrote Welcome on it.

    Thanks for sharing on Science Sparks :)

  7. Oh, I love it!! That sounds like a great book as well. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  8. This is brilliant! We will be trying this for sure. I've featured this on my blog today as one of my faves from last week's Kid's Co-op. :)

  9. Thanks for linking up your feeder at Child Central Station! What a great way to recycle/upcycle a jug!


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